Junk food essay

How junk food is engineered to be ‘just right’

Ever noticed that no matter how full you feel after a meal, you can always make room for dessert? This is most likely down to a psychological phenomenon called ‘sensory-specific satiety’.

As we consume more of a particular flavour, our taste buds slowly get more and more tired of it, and we stop eating that food. When presented with a new flavour, we get more reward from it, and so we continue eating. We can see this concept in action at an all-you-eat buffet; we’re likely to eat more because there is a variety of flavours to keep our taste buds interested!

However, our taste system can be tricked when salt, fat, and sugar are carefully combined in expertly measured amounts to be ‘just right’. At this point, we keep coming back for more, even when our bodies are trying to tell us to stop because we keep experiencing pleasure.

Moskowitz coined this as the ‘bliss point’ – the exact measures of fat, sugar, and salt that make our taste buds tingle and override the brain’s natural ‘stop’ signals. This bliss point plays a significant role in why we crave certain addictive foods, such as ice cream and crisps. Even in the most strong-willed individuals, these cravings can seem impossible to resist.

Isn’t it down to willpower?

We often beat ourselves up for giving in to our junk food cravings, but it’s no accident that these foods are so hard to resist. The food industry engineer foods to taste the best they possibly can with the goal of overriding our internal ‘stop’ signals and encouraging us to buy more.

So what’s the winning formula? If there’s one man to thank (or curse) for figuring out what makes us reach for another slice, it’s Howard Moskowitz, an American market researcher known for creating addictive flavour combinations that fly off the shelves.

The story of how food giants refuse to listen to concerns about obesity, and how junk food is engineered by individuals like Moskowitz to evoke maximum pleasure, is set out in this New York Times article.

Происхождение термина

Термин нездоровая пища восходит, по крайней мере, к началу 1950-х годов, хотя его создание было приписано Майклу Ф. Якобсону из Центра науки в интересах общества в 1972 году. В 1952 году эта фраза появилась в заголовке в Лиме: Огайо, Новости , «Нежелательная еда вызывает серьезное недоедание», на перепечатке статьи 1948 года из Огдена, штат Юта, Standard-Examiner , первоначально озаглавленной «Колонка здоровья доктора Брэди: больше вреда, чем еда». В статье доктор Брэди пишет: «То, что миссис Х. называет« мусорной едой », я называю чит-едой. Это все, что сделано в основном из (1) белой муки и / (2) рафинированного белого сахара или сиропа. Например, белый хлеб , крекеры, пирожные, конфеты, газированное мороженое , шоколадный солод , мороженое , сладкие газированные напитки ». Термин чит-фуд можно проследить в газетных упоминаниях как минимум до 1916 года.

Пожалуйста, помогите c переводом:

Policy – Forestry Commission England continues to
take the lead on grey squirrel policy on behalf of Defra.


Measuring the positive side of the work–family interface: Development and validation of a work–family enrichment scale


(8) 4 ÷ 2 are divided into 5 steps

(a) Correct quotient

(b) Over-quotient by once

(c) Over-quotient by twice or more

(d) Same first digits (2 scenarios)

(e) Both first digits are 1 over-quotient (129, 348, 567, 786, 95)

(f) Line to help memorize returning : minus 1 time, skip a space and add back Mr. Cat


1. The ENIAC (1943-1946) The first all-electronic computer, the Electronic Numerical Integrator and Calculator (ENIAC) was developed at the Moore School of Electrical Engineering of the University of Pennsylvania. It was developed as a result of a military need. J.Presper Eckert and John Mauchly proposed the machine to solve the problem of calculating firing tables for new weapons. The ENIAC weigh


Lets Check Out The Cons List

1. Junk foods add to pounds and pounds of weight. That’s the reason why so many of us suffer from weight problems these days.

2. Have you ever thought about the nutrition factor?  Do you really get any nutrition from these junk foods? You may say that the veggies used in burger and sandwiches are raw, may be just stir-fried. So what? What about the cheese and different sauces? The bread is grilled with quite a lot of butter too. All these oil and grease travels through your blood vessels blocking up your arteries gradually. The result being poor health after some years.

3. Fried junkies like chips, pakoras, french fries will satisfy to a great extent when eaten, but what about the nutrition. These foods being over-fried foods have left behind all the nutrition where it had been prepared. What you get is all grease and calories!

4. The high calories in junk food not only lead to absurd weight gain but also your ability to produce insulin weakens. Hence diabetes. And diabetes means more hunger, more junk foods. The list includes cookies, chips, biscuits, donuts and breakfast cereals.

5. All packet and fried foods are rich in trans-fat. This is the worst kind of fat that results in a number of chronic diseases. This type of fat is the main culprit for a variety of heart diseases.

6. Junk food being low in fiber content also results in high blood sugar and high cholesterol.

7. Junk food also contains added colors and preservatives, artificial sweeteners which might not be properly tested.

8. Pregnant women who feel hunger pangs quite frequently often indulge in a lot of junk foods like potato chips, ice-cream, candies, aerated drinks and what not. During pregnancy what you need most is a lot of nutritious food rich in proteins, calcium, minerals, vitamin and omega 3 fats. But these processed packet foods are generally high in trans-fat, calories, sodium and hydrogenated oils. Remember the food you are eating is affecting the growing fetus inside you as well. Moreover if you are suffering from high blood pressure, the sodium content in these foods will shoot up your blood pressure level which is not good for your baby.

9. Gorging continuously on junk foods will lead to a high BMI (body mass index). Doctors say that if your BMI is below 18.5, you are underweight, if it is ranging between 18.5 and 24.5, you have a normal weight, if it is between 24.5 and 29.5 you are overweight compared to your height, and if it is 30 and above, you are overweight; time to consult a doctor.

So what do you think about junk food now? Are they worth eating? Absolutely not. But still we eat…. and keep eating.

Now that we know why not to eat junk food, let’s see why it’s time to switch over to a healthier diet!

Image: Shutterstock

Перевод «Junk-Food» на русский язык: «Нездоровая Пища»

Junk-Food:   Нездоровая Пища

von Informations-Junk Food wieder.


нездоровой информационной пищей.



Das ist Junk-Food fürs Hirn.


Настоящий класс.


Corpus name: OpenSubtitles2016. License: not specified. References: http://opus.lingfil.uu.se/OpenSubtitles2016.php, http://stp.lingfil.uu.se/~joerg/published/ranlp-V.pdf

Du ißt ohnehin nur Junk Food.


Ешь, наверное, всякую дрянь.


Corpus name: OpenSubtitles2016. License: not specified. References: http://opus.lingfil.uu.se/OpenSubtitles2016.php, http://stp.lingfil.uu.se/~joerg/published/ranlp-V.pdf

Habe viel gesessen, viel Junk Food.


Много сидел, ел много плохой пищи.


Corpus name: OpenSubtitles2016. License: not specified. References: http://opus.lingfil.uu.se/OpenSubtitles2016.php, http://stp.lingfil.uu.se/~joerg/published/ranlp-V.pdf

Ein paar Taschenlampen, etwas Junk Food, etwas Wasser.


Несколько фонариков, немного паршивой еды, немного воды.


Corpus name: OpenSubtitles2016. License: not specified. References: http://opus.lingfil.uu.se/OpenSubtitles2016.php, http://stp.lingfil.uu.se/~joerg/published/ranlp-V.pdf

Ich kann Junk-Food vor anderen Menschen essen.


Я могу спокойно есть перед людьми.


Corpus name: OpenSubtitles2016. License: not specified. References: http://opus.lingfil.uu.se/OpenSubtitles2016.php, http://stp.lingfil.uu.se/~joerg/published/ranlp-V.pdf

weg von Junk Food hin zu frischem Essen zu bringen.


чтобы перейти с «мусорной еды» на свежую пищу.







Corpus name: OpenSubtitles2016. License: not specified. References: http://opus.lingfil.uu.se/OpenSubtitles2016.php, http://stp.lingfil.uu.se/~joerg/published/ranlp-V.pdf

Food Dad! Food Dad! Food Dad!


Папа-гурман, папа-гурман, папа-гурман!


Corpus name: OpenSubtitles2016. License: not specified. References: http://opus.lingfil.uu.se/OpenSubtitles2016.php, http://stp.lingfil.uu.se/~joerg/published/ranlp-V.pdf

Junk, was?


Ну, ты их видел наверно.


Corpus name: OpenSubtitles2016. License: not specified. References: http://opus.lingfil.uu.se/OpenSubtitles2016.php, http://stp.lingfil.uu.se/~joerg/published/ranlp-V.pdf


нежелательная почта




почтовая макулатура




почтовый мусор







Corpus name: OpenSubtitles2016. License: not specified. References: http://opus.lingfil.uu.se/OpenSubtitles2016.php, http://stp.lingfil.uu.se/~joerg/published/ranlp-V.pdf




Corpus name: OpenSubtitles2016. License: not specified. References: http://opus.lingfil.uu.se/OpenSubtitles2016.php, http://stp.lingfil.uu.se/~joerg/published/ranlp-V.pdf


макулатурная почта






Ich bin Junk.



Corpus name: OpenSubtitles2016. License: not specified. References: http://opus.lingfil.uu.se/OpenSubtitles2016.php, http://stp.lingfil.uu.se/~joerg/published/ranlp-V.pdf

Food Dad!




Corpus name: OpenSubtitles2016. License: not specified. References: http://opus.lingfil.uu.se/OpenSubtitles2016.php, http://stp.lingfil.uu.se/~joerg/published/ranlp-V.pdf

Fast Food.



Corpus name: OpenSubtitles2016. License: not specified. References: http://opus.lingfil.uu.se/OpenSubtitles2016.php, http://stp.lingfil.uu.se/~joerg/published/ranlp-V.pdf

Перевод «Junk-Food» на Английский, Итальянский, Французский, Испанский, Португальский, Турецкий, Польский, Арабский, Иврит, Японский, Голландский, Румынский, Латынь, Индонезийский, Корейский, Украинский, Чешский, Эстонский, Финский, Литовский, Латышский, Норвежский, Словацкий, Словенский, Хорватский, Малайский, Сербский


Discussion Comments


June 28, 2014

Many people eat junk food for several reasons. They think junk food is delicious and they enjoy every taste, but they do not know the consequences of eating junk food. Eating this kind of food has a lot of negative consequences as weight gain and illness as diabetes and heart diseases. This food a lot of sugar, saturated fat, and it is very processed. It is poor in nutrients. People like to consume it because it is easy to buy it and it does not require too much effort. Likewise, they do not have to cook at home, and it is available in almost every corner.

People notice there’s a problem when sometimes is too late because in eating this kind of food, one may gain several pounds quickly. It can raise cholesterol and blood pressure, too.


March 14, 2013

Sugary snacks should not be permitted to be sold in canteens because it can lead to lack of concentration in class. Being unhealthy can lead to other diseases such as obesity, diabetes and stomach pains and zero nutrients. At least eating something nourishing in that particular snack will help.


November 15, 2012

One often overlooked side effect pf unhealthy eating is that you miss out on a lot of other foods that are really delicious. I know that a burger and fries are great, but so is a huge salad, or a marinated veggie kabob, or stuffed peppers.

When you eat a lot of junk food you tend to eat the same things and get the same flavors over and over. Doesn’t it seem like bacon is in everything these days? Who really wants to eat that much bacon in a single day? It would get boring to say the least.


November 14, 2012

Are there any negative side effects to drinking diet soda? I drink about 4 cans a day, and while I don’t feel particularly bad, I don’t feel great either. I have always drank diet to avoid the calories, but do the artificial sugars have an effect besides weight gain?


October 13, 2012

@umbra21 — You can’t tell me that saturated fats don’t do any harm. Have you ever seen the Super Size Me documentary, where a man decided to just eat McDonalds all day, every day for a month? There isn’t that much sugar in those foods and he still managed to gain huge amounts of weight and basically destroy his liver.

Anything is bad if you eat too much of it. The problem is that people eat too much junk food not that it exists in any form.


October 12, 2012

@Iluviaporos — It’s definitely worth doing a bit of research on what you find acceptable and what the latest findings on healthy food eating are though. It might surprise a lot of people that saturated fats have not been shown as that much of an indicator of heart disease or even obesity.

It’s sugar that is the real culprit. Sugar and trans fats.

I know a lot of people who think of things like nuts and jerky as junk food, but they can actually be really healthy snacks since they don’t spike your blood sugar as it described in the article. Since I switched to those sorts of things over sugar and flour based snacks like cakes, I’ve felt much better.


October 11, 2012

@ShowStopper — Amen. I try not to obsess about food at all, because it can take over your life. But I let myself obsess all I want about grocery shopping. I only go once per week, I try to plan it all out beforehand, go after dinner where it becomes a mechanical task rather than an exercise in willpower and «reward» myself for the shopping trip with a carton of fresh berries rather than the candy bar I used to nab at the checkout.

If you don’t have junk food in your house, you’re not going to be tempted to snack on it and healthy food choices will be much easier. Carrots are lovely and tempting if they don’t have to compete with potato chips.


August 25, 2010

I have a tip for people who can’t stop eating junk food. Don’t go to the grocery when you are hungry. If you go at the end of the day when all you have eaten is a sandwich for lunch, you will give into your cravings and will likely leave with bags full of chips, cookies and soda.

Instead, go to the grocery store just after you have eaten dinner. You will not be as hungry and will not be tempted to go down the junk food aisle.

Also, write a grocery list before you go and stick to it. List only healthy items that you really need. Don’t let yourself buy anything that isn’t on the list.


August 25, 2010

Eating too much junk food can also have an adverse effect on the digestive system. Junk food is very high in fat and calories and it is very hard for the digestive system to digest all of that fat. This can cause the digestive system to become very sluggish and constipation can often occur.

To keep your digestive system working well, eat plenty of fruits and vegetables and make sure that you are getting plenty of fiber in your diet.

Post your comments

Голландско-русский словарь Русско-голландский словарь

Англо-русский словарь

Why We Love Junk Food to Healthy Food?

1. They are a pleasure to our taste buds. Do we get the same pleasure in eating a bowl of fruits that we get in a cheese burger?

2. Junk food is very tastier than healthy food. Yummy cheesy sandwich vs. a bowl of seasonal fruits; a war is going on in your mind…which one will you choose for your snack? Sandwich always wins.

3. Temptation plays a very important role when it comes to choosing junk food over healthy food. The melted chocolate dripping out of chocolate fudge is more tempting than an apple.

4. Another reason for junk food craving is the mood. It has been noticed that when you are overtly stressed you crave for sweet junk food like cakes, pastries, brownies or chocolates.

But does junk food do any good to us? It may satisfy our taste buds and fix our hunger pangs to certain extent but what about the pounds of fat that is adding on your waistline?

Пожалуйста, помогите c переводом:

Measuring the positive side of the work–family interface: Development and validation of a work–family enrichment scale


The rival gangs piled into one another with a vengeance — fists flew, knives flashed, clubs struck muscle and bone with sickening smacks


Giving a definition of the term “comedy”, one may face some difficulties as it’s one of the most complex categories of aesthetics. Comedy is historically volatile, it depends on the context and has a social nature. The laughter is not always a sight of comedy, and comedy is not always defined by laughter. It is circumstances, sharpening the contradictions and helping to reveal its social nature


1. Lol when @hartdenton develops his coachella polaroids
2. Usting @melton as my bitch for gueen
3. Trying to pack for LA
4. Fresh nails wha dis
5. Me once my motor cycle license is done this summer
6. So cute
7. The detail. . . even down to my snake rings. . . Amazing!


В чем опасность и вред джанк-фуда?

Во-первых, состав. Даже «невооруженным» глазом можно заметить в составе таких продуктов загустители, пищевые добавки (в том числе всеми «любимый» глутамат натрия), различные заменители и регуляторы кислотности. Рассмотрим на примере чипсов Lays зеленый лук. Итак,состав:

  • картофель
  • растительное масло
  • ароматизатор, идентичный натуральному (луковый порошок)
  • порошок молочной сыворотки
  • сахар
  • сухие молочные сливки
  • усилитель вкуса и аромата (глутамат натрия, натрий-5 рибонуклеотид)
  • лактоза
  • натуральные и идентичные натуральным вкусо-ароматические вещества
  • сырный порошок
  • регулятор кислотности (лимонная и яблочная кислоты)
  • красители
  • соевое масло
  • соль

Судя по составу можно уверенно сказать, что ничего хорошего и ценного в этом продукте нет

Особенно любопытно обратить внимание на такую добавку, как глутамат натрия

Глутамат натрия- это соль глутаминовой кислоты (пищевая добавка Е-621), является усилителем вкуса — в сочетании с белками и жирами делает вкус продукта более ярким. Чаще всего применяется при изготовлении чипсов, сухариков, продуктов быстрого приготовления, бульонных кубиков, содержится также и в колбасе.

Стоит отметить, что в различных продуктах содержится натуральный глутамат (в томатах, сыре, мясе и других продуктах).

Именно благодаря усилителю вкуса хочется возвращаться к продукту еще и еще. Однако, если разобраться глубже, то в такой пище вред главным образом приносит не глутамат натрия, а качественный состав продукта, соотношение макронутриентов, высокая калорийность, бедность витаминами и пищевыми волокнами.

Во-вторых, соотношение белков жиров и углеводов.

На примере тех же чипсов Lays:

  • Белки= 6,5г
  • Жиры= 30г
  • Углеводы= 53г
  • Калорийность= 510 ккал

Как видите, то в большинстве таких продуктов преобладают жиры и углеводы, что вовсе не подходит для сбалансированного и рационального питания.

Нельзя не принять во внимание и калорийность таких продуктов, как правило, она весьма высока и может варьировать в среднем от 250 до 700 калорий. Кроме того, джанкфуд отличает обилие транс-жиров (так называемых «плохих» жиров- в отличие от полиненасыщенных жирных кислот и омега-3) и пальмового масла, что не приносит особой пользы организму и при избыточном потреблении имеет проатерогенный эффект (то есть способствует образованию липопротеидов низкой и очень низкой плотности, что впоследствии может привести к отложению холестерина на стенках сосудов и спровоцировать развитие атеросклероза)

Кроме того, джанкфуд отличает обилие транс-жиров (так называемых «плохих» жиров- в отличие от полиненасыщенных жирных кислот и омега-3) и пальмового масла, что не приносит особой пользы организму и при избыточном потреблении имеет проатерогенный эффект (то есть способствует образованию липопротеидов низкой и очень низкой плотности, что впоследствии может привести к отложению холестерина на стенках сосудов и спровоцировать развитие атеросклероза).

Пожалуйста, помогите c переводом:

It slides comfortably into the ‘affordable’ bracket though, considering its supersized display, and when it lands on contract (which should be soon) it won’t carry hefty monthly fees.


The rival gangs piled into one another with a vengeance — fists flew, knives flashed, clubs struck muscle and bone with sickening smacks


Measuring the positive side of the work–family interface: Development and validation of a work–family enrichment scale


(8) 4 ÷ 2 are divided into 5 steps

(a) Correct quotient

(b) Over-quotient by once

(c) Over-quotient by twice or more

(d) Same first digits (2 scenarios)

(e) Both first digits are 1 over-quotient (129, 348, 567, 786, 95)

(f) Line to help memorize returning : minus 1 time, skip a space and add back Mr. Cat


4. Cinnabon Caramel Pecanbon

Cinnabon is known for the enticing aroma and gooey sweetness of their signature cinnamon rolls.

Classic Cinnabon cinnamon rolls are large and dense, rich in fat and carbs and contain 880 calories each ().

But these are not even the most unhealthy item on the menu. That honor is reserved for the Caramel Pecanbon.

The Caramel Pecanbon contains a whopping 1,080 calories, 51 grams of fat and 146 grams of carbs, only 3 of which are fiber ().

What’s more, 75 of those 146 grams of carbs come from added sugars. This is over twice the amount of added sugars the American Heart Association recommends as the upper limit for the entire day ().

Depending on your personal nutrition needs, the Caramel Pecanbon may very well provide more than half your daily calories and carbs while falling short on vitamins, minerals and other valuable nutrients.

Отклик организма на употребление таких продуктов

Если говорить о таких продуктах как шоколадные батончики (а они в свою очередь представляют собой простые углеводы), то их употребление вызывает резкий скачок сахара в крови, вследствие чего человеку кажется, что он наелся. Однако чувство насыщения будет недолгим и через некоторое время человек вновь ощутит голод. Безусловно, скачки сахара будут негативно влиять на организм в целом, что может привести к нарушениям обмена веществ и эндокринным заболеваниям.

Чем заменять батончики? Это могут быть сухофрукты, орехи, фрукты, горький шоколад, протеиновые батончики (но здесь необходимо обращать внимание на состав!). Однако в большинстве случаев стоит пересмотреть сбалансированность рациона — вполне вероятно, что недостаточно сложных углеводов (каш, злаковых, бобовых)

То же самое касается хлеба — можно заменить хлебцами и пропить курс витаминов группы B.

В целом, помимо упомянутого выше риска развития атеросклероза, избыточное употребление джанк фуда (ровным счётом как и фастфуда) может обуславливать появление избыточного веса (а в запущенной стадии — и ожирения), заболеваний сердечно-сосудистой, пищеварительной системы (продуцировать развитие гастрита, энтерита, обуславливать повышенную кислотность в желудке), а также эндокринной системы (особенно неблагоприятно может сказаться на детском организме, так как он менее устойчив, и в нем еще не до конца сформировались ферментные системы).

Поэтому стоит задуматься, употреблять ли такую пищу или заменять на более полезные продукты. Выбор всегда за вами!

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